
就如流水线下的工作,一环出错,环环出错。爱欲之港,就是生命的分叉口,走错了路,一路坎坷。但最终,又或许会一帆风顺,一切都是未知,人人都有沉浮,即使选对路,也不会一帆风顺。 在那个时代敢用特写镜头那么放大演员的表情,就是勇敢!依旧是现实主义,但在某处竟带了些许伯格曼那熟悉的时空感。「I find it hard to believe that the only option available to you at the time was violence. → We thought that sitting at home while your government committed genocide and doing nothing about it, that was violence.」「Would you do it again? → If I didn't have kids, and old parents that I love, Yeah, I would do it again. Smarter, better, different. We made mitakes, but we were right. People do what they have to do.」「Secrets are a dangerous thing. We all think we want to know them, but if you've kept one to yourself, you come to understand that doing so means that you may learn something about somebody else, but you also discover something about yourself. I hope you're ready for that.」

A young fashion designer's life spirals as her darkest inner thoughts manifest into something gruesome- that won't stop growing.

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